Urgent Call for Climate Action and Economic Degrowth

Jun Xu
2 min readSep 9, 2023


A group of elementary school pupils marching to protest against climate inaction
Image from freepik.com

Over the past 50 years, the rapid evolution of global warming and environmental degradation is clearly linked to human activity, including the ubiquitous use of fossil fuels and the blind pursuit of infinite economic growth on a finite planet.

Who is responsible for climate change by burning fossil fuels? Energy producers think they should produce more to make more profit when demand is high, while energy consumers think they should consume more to live more comfortably when supply is plentiful. Most people think we should blame others.

But the truth is that any reduction in fossil fuel consumption or production has a positive impact on climate change. That is, the more energy a person consumes above the global average, or the more energy a company produces for overconsuming people, the more responsible that person or company is for climate change.

Naturally, we all want to live comfortably, and money can help us satisfy our needs and desires. Since human happiness is not proportional to increasing wealth when our basic needs are met, it’s not wise to pursue endless profits or infinite economic growth at the expense of humanity. For those with a competitive and noble character, it’s high time to measure themselves by the number of people they help rather than the amount of wealth they accumulate.

In a climate and environmental emergency, any economy of overconsumption must decline in order for humanity to survive and thrive within planetary boundaries. Why not meet everyone’s basic needs, stop making money for overconsumption, and shift our pursuit of happiness from material to intellectual growth? Let’s start doing what we can do ourselves instead of waiting for others to do the right thing first.



Jun Xu

A happy learner from China, whose ideas are free to be used for a better world.