Voluntary Payment for Digital Works to Spark a Human Intelligence Revolution

Jun Xu
1 min readMay 15, 2023
Image from freepik.com

Most information on the Internet is of little value, while digital books and movies usually require payment. How can we make paid content free while enriching its creators?

I propose a voluntary payment platform for digital works, where we could first have free access to all intellectual works, and then voluntarily pay for valuable content. In addition, everyone determines the amount and timing of each voluntary payment.

At first, most people may be reluctant to pay, but average human intelligence will steadily increase once we are free to enjoy all the knowledge and wisdom of humanity via the Internet. As people become more intelligent, they will be more willing to pay for things of value.

Since we spend our own money carefully, the amount we voluntarily pay for a digital work will not only reflect its true value, but also effectively support its creator.

People will get smarter from a sea of masterpieces, while good authors will get richer from our voluntary payments. The smarter people get or the richer the good authors become, the more masterpieces will be created. This virtuous circle could spark a revolution in human intelligence around the world and pave the way for solving global crises.



Jun Xu

A happy learner from China, whose ideas are free to be used for a better world.